Privacy Policy

Our website address is: is owned and managed by Startshade Group

The “Starshade Sports” is a subsidiary of Starshade Business Services Pvt. Ltd., and our privacy policy is governed and managed in accordance of the terms defined by Starshade.

Data Collection, Protection and Usage by Starshade Sports

Data Collection
We collect your data upon your consent in specific and anonymous way in the form of information like name, email, number, address etc. through our website form, cookies, page views, product views, advertisement views on our website, or on our promotional platforms, social media platforms sources like google adds, face book adds, YouTube, twitter, Instagram etc.
We do not store your credit card number or other financial transaction user IDs as we use secure payment gateways of third-party payment processors and only, they will have your details with them.

Cookies: Our website collects cookies and other system information and web history or page views journey of the website visitors and stored anonymously.

Data Protection
The personal data (information like name, email, number address etc.) submitted on our website forms, surveys, reviews etc. by our protective customers, customers, subscribers, reviewers etc. is collected and protected and never shared with any third party or any other agency unless legal circumstances comes into picture.
Our website site is secured with SSL certificate and the data collected is encrypted with the SHA-2 and 2048-bit encryption – the strongest on the market.

Data (Information) Usage
The personal data collected is secured and it will be will be used to improve your buying experience, promotions and offers.
With your consent, we use your personal data collected to promote our products and inform you about promotional offers and discounts based on your interest and visits on our website and our partner promoters sites. We customize and advise the products that you have shown interest by products views and your purchase history of our products and improve your experience of Starshade products.
Emails: We may keep you updated with latest products, offers and promotions via email, you can opt-out or unsubscribe from our mailing.
SMS: We may keep you updated on the latest products, offers and promotions via sms as well.
Google Add re-marketing: you may notice our adds over internet web pages via google partner sites for the products you have shown interest by visiting our web pages with the help of your browser cookies.

Digital Internet based adds
The cookies and other system information and web history collected will be used for re-marketing and promotions based on your preference and interests. We use various digital marketing and promotional sources and channels to advertise and market our products, we use channel like Facebook adds, Google Adds and Google Add Re-marketing, our add campaigns and website page views and cookies information is used to re-target or re-market our potential customers and buyers to generate interest and create awareness about our offers, discounts of our products. With the help of customer buying journey and web history and interests we display relevant ads tailored as per there interest shown in our products.

Send us your suggestions and updates if you want us to update your details on we will review and update accordingly.

Changes in Privacy Policy
We may review and update or revise our terms of privacy policy without prior notice from time to time for better clarity and in accordance to compliance with the ever-changing needs and laws, keep visiting our privacy page to understand about our latest terms of privacy policy.

Unsubscribe or Opt-out
You can always unsubscribe from our mailing and stop receiving email, send us an email to to remove your email, we will opt you out from our mailing list.

You can also clear your cookies to get rid of online adds

Legal and Jurisdiction
All the legal processing shall be in accordance with law of land (India) and shall be within the jurisdiction/courts of Bangalore, Karnataka only.